Charlotte Home Seeker

Union County Schools Redistricting


The UCPS Board of Education voted at their meeting on March 6, 2018 in favor of the CAC recommended redistricting plan with a few amendments.  The map will be updated soon and can be viewed here. View the entire meeting here.


Proposed UCPS Realignment Plan

*View the latest Citizens Realignment Meeting from December 14, 2017  here where they review considerations of road boundaries, subdivisions, and grandfathering. Next meeting is January 18.

The UCPS Board of Education met on December 6, 2016 and decided to look into a new student realignment plan.  The proposal looks like it will focus on neighborhood schools and allow students to attend the school closest to their home.  After UCPS’s last redistricting shakeup and student disruption, the board would like to have a “no questions asked” waiver that would allow students to stay at their current school if they so choose.  View the board meeting here.


Are you located in an area under consideration of a move?  Check the UCPS map overlay at the proposed options.



Two New Charter Schools Approved

Residents of Union County that are looking for alternatives to the existing school assignments should have two new options starting in the 2016 school year. Union Preparatory Academy at Indian Trail will be accepting applications for grades K-6 beginning around February 2016.  Union Day School is also in the works to open as a charter school for 2016 serving children grades K-3.


Area UCPS Attendance Maps for the 2017-2018 school year:


Past redistricting news:

7/8/2014:  Union County has made “minor” adjustments to the maps based on transportation.  See the revised maps HERE.

3/4/2014:  The Union County Board of Education voted to approve the UCPS redistricting plan.  They are allowing a few exceptions.  Rising 5th and 8th graders can apply to stay at their current school, however, transportation would not be provided. Current high schools students can also apply to finish out at their current school with the same stipulation.  Appears that MillBridge will be allowed to stay together as a community as long as a connecting road is built.

Proposed redistricting maps were released to the public. Major changes for Weddington and Waxhaw may include Weddington Chase and Hollister moving to Weddington, Highgate moving to Antioch, and Callonwood moving to Sun Valley.  Wesley Chapel neighborhoods would dramatically be affected with many moving to Sun Valley.


If you are moving to Union County and you DO NOT have a real estate agent to represent you yet, please don’t hesitate to contact Nancy at 704-577-0023  for the latest information on schools and/or area changes that could impact your home search.


For more information from UCPS’s official sites, please visit



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