Charlotte Home Seeker

Waxhaw / Marvin

Waxhaw / Marvin

Providence Downs

These union county addresses offer convenience to south Charlotte employment and shopping with typically larger lot sizes and less congestion than their Mecklenburg neighbors to the north. Waxhaw and Marvin are located in the western most part of Union county along the South Carolina border with access to south Charlotte along Providence Road, Rea Road, and Hwy 521.

Marvin features many high-end, luxury properties in neighborhoods like Firethorne Country Club, Providence Downs, Innisbrook, and Kingsmead as well as sprawling estates located along roads like Bonds Grove Church Road. Somerset, Marvin Creek, Hunter Oaks, The Reserve, Barrington, Weddington Chase, and The Chimneys at Marvin are among the more popular subdivisions in this area. Marvin recently opened its new Marvin-Efird Park along New Town Rd with a playground, walking trails, fields, and a barn available for rent. Marvin Ridge High School is highly regarded for its outstanding academics and sports programs and has an International Baccalaureate program available to Union county rising juniors. Marvin Ridge Middle School is located next door to the high school. Marvin’s elementary schools include Sandy Ridge, Marvin, and Rea View.

Waxhaw is located to the south and east of Marvin. Waxhaw has a quaint downtown area along the railroad tracks at Providence Road South. Restaurants, antique stores, and unique specialty shops give shoppers a taste of life away from the big name retailers. Try Gigi’s for beautiful women’s clothing. Known for its Fourth of July Fireworks, Christmas Parade, seasonal farmer’s market on Saturdays, Queen’s Cup Steeplechase, athletic association, and street festivals, Waxhaw has something for the entire family. Neighborhoods in Waxhaw include Cureton, Quellin, Lawson and the new MillBridge. Waxhaw schools include the newer Cuthbertson High School, Cuthbertson Middle located next door, and Kensington and New Town Elementary Schools. The latest addition to Waxhaw will be a new Catholic Church to be built at the corner of Waxhaw-Marvin Rd and Kensington Dr.

Providence Downs South

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